Rio Petróleo is a startup company, a spinoff from the State University of Rio de Janeiro. The company is the result of the union of Giovani Calvalcanti Nunes, a senior engineer with 37 years of experience in the petroleum industry with Marcelo Vidal Oliveira, a young and talented professional. Recently Gustavo Alves, a master's student, joined the group of partners to learn and contribute to the company's development.

Giovani (PhD), Marcelo (MsC) and all the professional team offer consulting services to oil and gas companies for conceptual design of projects, operational support to their operations and implementation of innovative ideas.

The company was created in november 2017 and since then it has grown in number of clients as well as complexity of its services.

Photo of Giovani
Photo of Marcelo

Engineering and Technology



Our Mission is to bring solutions to our customers that generate improved results through the commitment of our employees and the development of new technologies.


We want to be a consulting company specialized in technology development able to create value for our clients.


  • Commitment and Respect;
  • Excellence and Efficiency; Ethics and Integrity; Transparency and
  • Responsibility.

Team Work

We set up a team of professionals to suit your needs. Our group of specialists will support the operation of your asset with advanced engineering competence.

Picture of Agatha Oliveira dos Santos

Agatha Oliveira dos Santos

Chemical Engineer; Flow Assurance and Processing.

Picture of Matheus Delduque

Matheus Delduque

Chemistry Technician (IFRJ), Electronic and Computer Engineering Student (UFRJ).

Picture of Miguel de Abreu

Miguel de Abreu

Chemical engineer; Oil Processing; Simulations in Hysis.

Picture of Larissa Godinho

Larissa Godinho

Chemical engineer; Oil Processing; Simulations in Hysis.